How to get stuff done when you are depressed | Jessica Gimeno ...

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2497 days ago

Video Description

"Did you know the World Health Organization says depression will be the second greatest disability in the world by 2020 (second only to blindness)? Depression makes it hard for millions of people to finish school or hold down a job. In fact, depression is the number one disability among Americans ages 15 to 24. Jessica Gimeno lives with bipolar disorder and has worked in mental health nonprofit for years. Now, she wants to expand the discourse beyond receiving a diagnosis into helping people with chronic depression develop the life-skills they need to be productive. In this talk, you will find hacks to get stuff done and connect to a remarkable individual who despite a mental illness is getting more things done than the average person.

Jessica is a warrior who fights five illnesses daily: bipolar II, polycystic ovarian syndrome, asthma, psoriasis, and the neuromuscular autoimmune disease Myasthenia Gravis (MG). Jessica Gimeno was valedictorian of her class, women more than 20 speech competitions.

Motivated by a friend’s suicide, she spoke to hundreds of students about stigma and helped thirty students get psychiatric help. In her free time, Jessica is a diehard New Kids on the Block fan who enjoys Pilates, painting, and playing with her nieces and nephews.

Jessica Gimeno teaches us that although mental illness is hard it does not have to leave you unable to do things. She believes in providing others challenged with mental illness to lead fulfilling lives. In this talk she shares with you how to get stuff done when you are depresssed.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at"


"Life became impossible, to extent that making a cup of tea and stringing a sentence together properly were achievements."


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