My Journey of Addiction & Recovery | Carlos Costa

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2712 days ago

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"The coolest blog ever:

Team Beardbrand's Carlos Costa is here to talk about a personal subject - addiction, and the road to recovery.

Nearly seven years sober, Carlos discusses his early brushes with drugs and alcohol at the age of 12, his eventual descent into addiction, and how it led him to eventually end up homeless on the streets of London. He talks about coming to terms with his defects and behaviors that were having a negative impact on not only himself, but those around him, and goes over how the 12-Step Program worked for him in his recovery.

Carlos also opens up about the darkest days of his addiction, the relationships he damaged during that time, and how his drug addiction was so strong that it was overpowering his willpower to break the cycle of addiction.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please visit these resources:

Follow Carlos on Instagram at:

And check out more about his story of addiction and recovery in this article:
And this Urban Beardsman Podcast episode:"


"Understanding your readiness to change by being familiar with the six-stage model of change can help you choose treatments that are right for you."


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