What are eating disorders? #whatareeatingdisorders

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Video Description

"This video clip (what are #eatingdisorders?) has been created for young people (10 years and above) who have a parent with a #mentalillness. It has been designed to help you understand your parent's mental illness and their behaviour, and has been developed in partnership with other young people in this situation. The video is accompanied by 8 others which describe different mental illnesses and answer common questions young people have. We recommend the 'introduction' video be watched first. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rJqm...) Find the full set of videos and more information for young people living with their parent's mental illness at http://www.copmi.net.au/mental-illness

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"This is an eating disorder in recovery. I eat six times per day, like clockwork. I exercise. I rest. I have friends, a job, schoolwork, bills, and responsibilities."


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