Unhealthy Coping Strategies

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Video Description

"In this segment of our interview with Dr. Alex Granzin we discuss how the coping strategies adopted by struggling learners are in and of themselves learning disabling.

This is short version of a sequence by the same name on the YouTube COTC channel.

To read the transcript: http://www.childrenofthecode.org/interviews/granzin.htm

To see this in the context of how it's used on our site: http://www.learningstewards.org/unhealthy-learning/

""we can no longer assume that what we think children should learn is more important than how well they can learn""

Learning Stewards


"If is easy to make the same mistake again and again, to change the hardest part is the first step."


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Tips & Hints

  • Set Expectations

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  • Be resourceful

    Never give up or give in when faced with a challenge. Find out as much information as you can about your situation, whether that means ...
  • Have a good support system

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  • Handle your emotions

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  • Have a sense of humor

    Learn to laugh at your situation or mistakes no matter how bad they are. Laughter is like medicine and sometimes it can be contagious. ...
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