Crystal Meth and HIV.pdfCrystal methamphetamine (CM) is an extremely addictive stimulant that increases sexual arousal while reducing inhibition and judgment. Its use is associated with a range of high-risk sexual behaviors that increase the likelihood of acquiring or transmittiMore >>
What is Methamphetamine
What is methamphetamine.pdfMethamphetamine is part of the amphetamine family of drugs, which stimulate the brain and nervous system in a similar way to cocaine and ‘speed’, but with strong effects that last much longer. The crystal form of methamphetamine, sometimes called CrystalMore >>
Why Do People Use Methamphetamine
Why Do People Use Methamphetamine.pdfOn the surface, methamphetamine may seem attractive. Thus, many people are tricked or lured into using meth for the initial good feelings it brings. Immediately after smoking or intravenous injection, the meth user experiences an intense sensation, calledMore >>
Effects of Methamphetamine.pdfMethamphetamine is a highly addictive drug, whether injected, snorted or smoked, that affects the brain and central nervous system. Methamphetamine increase levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which stimulates brain cells, enhancing mood and body movMore >>
Risks of Methamphetamine
Risks of methamphetamine.pdfTaking methamphetamine involves some serious risks. Here’s what it could do to you:
• Severe psychoses caused by methamphetamine have been reported in countries where there is widespread use of the drug. Psychosis is a serious mental state where you loseMore >>
Psychological Addiction
Psychological Addiction to Crystal Meth.pdfCrystal Meth or methamphetamines, in general, are central nervous system stimulants that resemble the drug amphetamines in their chemical structure. However, crystal meth has an emphatic onset of effects that is not as profound in amphetamines. Since cryMore >>
Crystal Meth: Hazards and Teens
Hazards and Teens.pdfNeurological hazards. Methamphetamine releases high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which stimulates brain cells, enhancing mood and body movement. It also appears to have a neurotoxic effect, damaging brain cells that contain dopamine and serotoMore >>
Signs Of Meth Use
Signs of Meth Use.pdfRelatives and friends should be aware of the signs of meth use so they can get help for a person who is abusing methamphetamine. Methamphetamine, or meth, abuse is a dangerous habit that can lead to addiction, mental damage, and death.More >>
Overcoming Methamphetamine Addiction
Overcoming Methamphetamine Addiction.pdfMeth addiction is psychologically devastating affliction that has long lasting effects on the mind and body. Meth, also known as speed, is homemade chemical that acts as a stimulant. Meth addicts, or tweakers, become quickly seduced by the drug because itMore >>
Crystal Meth - Withdrawal Symptoms
Crystal Meth Withdrawal Symptoms.pdfCrystal Meth withdrawal symptoms can last days or weeks, depending on how long one has been an addict. It is important to remember that all drugs (but ESPECIALLY this one) change the chemistry of the user's brain. People who use Crystal Meth habitually teMore >>