15 Tips for recovery from heroin addiction


1. Take care of yourself mentally. 

2. Put the statistics of relapse out of your mind. 

3. You are responsible for your own recovery. 

4. Don't underestimate your disease. 

5. Take care of yourself spiritually. 

6. Listen to the people who relapse, you may find some ways to avoid a relapse. 

7. If you are attending meetings regularly then start chairing a meeting. 

8. Practice forgiveness: forgive the people that happen to step on your toes at meetings. 

9. Go for a long walk. 

10. Get a pet maybe a cat or dog. 

11. Treat yourself to a Gourmet meal. 

12.Try Addiction Therapy. 

13. Work a puzzle or a model. 

14. Learn something new each day even if it is only a new word. 

15. Write a good bye letter to your heroin addiction. 

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The Have I Got A Problem website is a free online resource to help people better understand any issues or concerns they may have about mental health or addiction. The website includes resources specifically focused to; general Mental Health, Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Insecurities, Self-harm Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Anger Management, Eating Disorders, Coping, general Addiction, Alcohol, Smoking, Gambling, Drugs, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana (Cannabis) Ecstasy, PCP, Mephedrone, Ketamine & Crystal Meth.

The site was created to give the public information to help them understand mental health and addiction issues and to assist people in making better informed decisions about their life and personal choices.

www.haveigotaproblem.com was created and is run by 'Advising Communities’, which is a UK registered charity (Charity No. 1061055)


"I had not taken a bath in a year or changed my clothes except to stick a needle every hour in the fibrous grey flesh of heroin addiction."


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